Email: liujiaying at
Address: No. 5 Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China, 100871
Tel: 8610-82529714
Fax: 8610-62754532
Group Website: STRUCT
Feb. 2025: Two paper is accepted by CVPR 2025.
Dec. 2024: I am elevated to the IEEE Fellow.
Nov. 2024: I am honored to receive JVCI Best Editor Award.
Oct. 2024: I am honored to receive Outstanding Area Chair Award in ACM MM 2024.
Sep. 2024: One paper is accepted by IEEE TIP.
Jun. 2024: Three paper is accepted by ACM MM 2024.
Mar. 2024: Two paper is accepted by IEEE TPAMI.
Jan. 2024: I am promoted as ACM Senior Member.
Oct. 2022: One paper is accepted by IEEE TIP.
Sep. 2022: I am elevated to CCF Distinguished Member.
Aug. 2022: I serve on the Best Paper Award Committee of ACM MM 2022.
July 2022: Four papers are accepted by ACM MM 2022.
May 2022: Our paper "Meta-Interpolation: Time-Arbitrary Frame Interpolation via Dual Meta-Learning" won IEEE ISCAS-2022 MSA-TC Best Paper Award.
Apr. 2022: I am appointed as the ACM ICMR Steering Committee Member (2021-2025).
Sep. 2021: One paper is accepted by IEEE TIP.
Aug. 2021: I serve on the IEEE ICIP 2021 Paper Awards Committee.
Mar. 2021: I co-organize two CVPR Workshops: UG2+ Challenge and Future Video Conference.
Mar. 2021: One paper is accepted by IEEE TPAMI.
Mar. 2021: Two papers to appear in CVPR 2021.
Jan. 2021: I am honored to receive the IEEE Trans. on Multimedia Outstanding Reviewer Award.
Jan. 2021: One paper is accepted by IEEE TPAMI.
Jan. 2021: One paper is accepted by ACM Computing Surveys.
Jan. 2021: I am appointed as MSA-TC Representative at the ICME Steering Committee.
Dec. 2020: I serve as the Co-Chair of IEEE Future Video Coding Study Group (FVC-SG).
Dec. 2020: I am appointed as Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Circuit System for Video Technology (TCSVT).
July 2020: Our paper "Towards Coding for Human and Machine Vision: A Scalable Image Coding Approach" won IEEE ICME-2020 Best Paper Award.
June 2020: I am appointed as TPC Co-Chair of ICME-2021 as the representative from IEEE CASS MSA TC.
June 2020: I serve as the Guest Editor of ACM TOMM Special issue "Explainable AI on Multimedia Computing"
May 2020: Four papers are accepted by IEEE TPAMI.
May 2020: I serve as the Award Commitee member of JVCI.
Feb. 2020: I co-organize the ACM MM 2020 Challenge: AI meets Beauty.
Feb. 2020: Two papers to appear in CVPR 2020.
Feb. 2020: I co-organize the ECCV 2020 Workshop: Real-world Recognition from Low-quality Images and Videos.
Jan. 2020: I serve as the Area Chair of CVPR-2021.
Jan. 2020: I co-organize the CVPR 2020 UG2+ Workshop and Prize Challenge: Bridging the Gap between Computational Photography and Visual Recognition.
Dec. 2019: I co-organize the IEEE ICIP 2020 Special Session: Advanced Image/Video Coding for Machine Vision.
Nov. 2019: I am appointed as Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP).
Nov. 2019: Four papers to appear in AAAI 2020.
Oct. 2019: I serve as the Area Chair of ECCV-2020.
Oct. 2019: I serve as the Publicity Chair and Area Chair of ICME-2020.
Oct. 2019: I am appointed as Associate Editor of Elsevier-Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (JVCI).
July 2019: I co-organize the ICME 2019 Tutorial: Intelligent Image Enhancement and Restoration - from Prior Driven Model to Advanced Deep Learning.
July 2019: Two papers to appear in ICCV 2019.
July 2019: Two papers to appear in ACM MM 2019.
May 2019: I co-organize the ICCV 2019 Workshop: The International Workshop and Challenge on Real-World Recognition from Low-Quality Images and Videos (RLQ).
Feb. 2019: Four papers to appear in CVPR 2019.
Jan. 2019: I am elected to be IEEE Circuits and Systems Society VSPC-TC Member.
Jan. 2019: I serve as the Technical Program Chair of IEEE VCIP-2019.
Jan. 2019: I am honored to receive Shi Qingyun Young Female Scientist Award from CSIG.
Jan. 2019: I co-organize the IEEE ICIP 2019 Grand Challenge on Realistic Single Image Recovering in Adverse Weathers.
Dec. 2018: I serve as the Area Chair of ICCV-2019.
Dec. 2018: I serve as the Technical Program Chair of ACM ICMR-2021.
Dec. 2018: I co-organize the CVPR 2019 UG2+ Workshop and Prize Challenge: Bridging the Gap between Computational Photography and Visual Recognition.
Research Interests
Multimedia and signal processing with emphasis on Digital Image/Video Processing and Compression, Computer Vision Technology, including- Image/Video Restoration and Enhancement
- Image/Video Stylization and Assessment
- Computational Photography and Editing
- Action Understanding and Analytics